Tao Teaching: Ever desireless- Lao-tzu

Ever desireless, one can see the mystery;
Ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding.

                             -   Lao-tzu

Tao Teaching: Ever desireless- Lao-tzu

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1. What is Tao Te Ching: Lao Tzu
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3.  Tao Teaching: Mother of 10,000 things -Lao-tzu
4.  Tao Teaching: Ever desireless- Lao-tzu
5.  Lao-Tzu quotes for flow of life - motivational
6.  Lao Tzu - motivational quotes for walking meditation
7.  Lao Tzu - motivational quotes for enjoy the mystery
8.  Lao Tzu - spiritual quotes for thoughts
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10. Motivational quotes for progress and success in everything
11. Lao Tzu - Motivational quotes for way to Happiness
12. Motivational quotes from Lao Tzu
